


Vodka is a drink that literally enhances your mood to ten times. A good Vodka drink can never go wrong and this is a fact. Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka is something that is beyond us. Made from fresh lemon juice and that right amount of sugar that we need, this drink is everything. People living in the west are massively dependent on vodka because for them it is an energy booster. And even though, vodka works differently for everyone it really can be an energy booster because it gives you the adrenaline rush that you need.

How to Stop Your Period with Lemon? Having your period is a natural phenomenon and to stop it is not a very easy process. Now that science has progressed so much, medicines and devices have been innovated to stop it or delay it. There could be many reasons as to why a woman would want to stop her period but the concept of stopping it with lemon is devoid and ridiculed because your period can not be stopped with lemon.

Doctor Pepper Cream Soda. Our lives literally revolve around sodas and juices. If the soda is as good as Dr. Pepper’s cream soda, life will be just amazing. Dr Pepper that has taken people by storm with it’s delicious and appetising items like this cream soda that we are taking about. The fact that Dr. Pepper literally makes everything so amazing and unique is what makes us fall in love with it.

Chicken is one of the most versatile foods not only here in the UK but across the globe. When it comes to chicken breast, there are myriad ways on how you can prepare your chicken. You can stir fry, roast, fry, sautee, or even grill. So whether it is your first time cooking or you are simply looking for new ways to make your chicken, you are in the right place. Check out the chicken firecracker recipe which will give you a new twist to your regular cooking methods. Other than that, we have compiled four of the best ways you can transform your chicken and also a couple of recipes.

Are broiler Eggs good for your Health or not? Broiler eggs are amongst the most popular sources of proteins and they are rich in minerals and vitamins. Some people say that eggs have much cholesterol hence makes the body to be unhealthy. Some also say that eggs are one of the healthiest food to the human body since eggs help the body in the production of Vitamin D and serotonin.

A shock dose of vitamins in one plate and all your favorite foods at once? Easy if we’re talking about buddha bowls – the modern trend of healthy eating! Sharing cool recipes for a trendy breakfast constructor.

Bowls, which recently burst into our lives, have become a real boon for lovers of healthy eating. This is a cool tool for creating the perfect diet with the right protein, fat and carbohydrate intake. Such a constructor of healthy food in one plate.