With the coronavirus pandemic raging all over the world, the restrictions to “flatten the curve” has made everyone limited to their homes and isolated. With isolation and social distancing came new challenges especially for people who were already dependent on others for their survival. According to research data, the most hit age group by the pandemic are senior citizens ranging from 50-75 years.

The potential danger of contracting the virus has left the elderly and their families in search of answers. With the related queries in mind, we have compiled a list of suggestions as to how you can still support and keep your elderly loved ones safe.

1.   Keep regular medications and other essential supplies well-stocked.

Older people are vulnerable and depend on others for their survival. In case they suffer from chronic conditions, then it is even more necessary to take care of them especially during the pandemic.

For this, the Health Ministries of countries all over the world recommend their citizens to stock up on their medicines and medical supplies for several weeks. And in case the supplies are running out, order prescription drugs online beforehand so you don’t have to worry about medicines running out and missing the necessary doses. Medicines can be expensive which is why you should get cheaper prescriptions from PricePro Pharmacy.

2.   Stay sanitized.

The CDC has given strict guidelines to wash hands for 20 seconds every time. Take care of sanitation especially if you are in close proximity to an elderly person. Make sure to keep the home space of the elder person clean and germ-free. Wipe with a disinfectant regularly and pay close attention to spaces where everyone is more prone to touching.

3.   Mind multigenerational living situations.

 There are many households where people from many generations are living in a single space. This increases the risk of virus transmission. Keep in mind to limit the access of older people to one room so children cannot reach them as children are more prone to getting and spreading the virus. Families need to bring certain changes in their household such as not sharing food, personal items, water bottles and utensils. If there is a sick person in the house, limit them to a single room and do not allow anyone else to visit that room. These small changes may be hard to carry out but can make a huge difference.

4.   Communicate with care providers.

Talk to people more informed about the situation regarding the pandemic. If there is an elderly member who needs care, keeps in continuous contact with the care providers via email, calls, messages. If the senior member is feeling isolated, keep in contact with them and try to cheer them up no matter the situation. Inform them of the consequences in case anyone close to them contracts a virus. Stay home and contact a healthcare provider immediately if there are signs of a cold.

5.   Keep up-to-date information and inform others.

Everyone should regularly check a trusted information source such as the WHO website to learn the ongoing situation and guidelines regarding the pandemic.

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